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In a recent article in the Daily Mail it claimed the following:

New legislation to clean up the timeshare industry and give existing owners the right to quit contracts is on hold after claims that it would ruin legitimate operators.

The word which enhances the statement is “legitimate” operators. “the “click” Part of the click means that you are legitimate. That said what is equally true is that the author clearly identifies that there must be illegitimate operators in the industry who are not part of “the click”. So the indication is that there are two camps those who tow the industry line and those who oppose it. Paul Gardner Bougaard says:- head of the Resort Development Organisation, “claims it represents legitimate timeshare operators”. Therefore not to be a member of that organisation infers you are illegitimate illegal, dishonest or a criminal which could come as a shock.

That places us and many others in that category which is crass to say the least, as alas we are not part of the RDO and never will be.

In saying that, neither is any trade union a member of an industry controlled body. Again it is yet more spin which infests and stifles the industry, (and from a barrister as well) “if you do not pay to join them you’re an illegitimate organisation”.

Graham Williams made a proposal a while ago which could help clean up the habitual mis-selling of timeshare. The idea was to train and licence the sellers of timeshare (the RDO members). The idea is simple, effective and would go a long way to assist consumers which the RDO and TATOC say they exist to protect, yet both organisation do nothing it impose such a good idea on its members. Why you might ask? Simply put it cannot be part of their model to clean up the industry. Yet again an independent lays before what they say is the legitimate body an excellent idea and it the ignored.

It was quoted that there are 1.5million timeshare owners in Europe, of whom 589,000 are British. That’s over ½ and million consumers and by their own figures a 1/5 want out of the timeshare contracts again over 110,000 disenfranchised worried people many of which are over 65.

I wholeheartedly agree with the Industry statement that “The dream of many people with shares in resorts in the sun has turned into a nightmare” And they who call themselves legitimate operate this industry.

They contract which locks the consumers into contract were entirely designed by the so called legitimate industry, they fixed the price, the costs and the longevity of those contracts and it is entirely their will which maintains those clause despite the consumers resisting them in every court action.

Thousands bought shares in resorts, often in Spain or Portugal, only to find that as well as the original cost, they had to pay maintenance fees, which could increase by an unspecified amount each year.

Worse, they were often locked into long contracts or, most notoriously, ‘in perpetuity’ – when the contract continues after death, with the costs passing to their children. 

The EU is reviewing its Timeshare Directive, which all member states had to adopt in 2011. This aimed to improve an industry that saw sales of €750million (£600million) in 2011.

I always understood that the elected members were voted by the people to represent the people. I also understand that the decision those bastions of society make are to enhance the lives of people who vote for them.

Yet in the article they clear care not for the people but the industry. They might suggest that by keeping the status quo, people will not lose their jobs and as  or the timeshare industry might crash and burn. Well that is befuddling at best.

Times exists and is owned by the consumers. If the industry collapsed then those resorts will still need to be managed and run to upkeep the asset the consumers bought into. So the industry would not collapse only the institutions who claim to be legitimate. Who wrote the contracts, who have refused to bend.

The article says:-

Aided by the UK’s Competition & Markets Authority, the EU was due to issue its draft proposals to amend the directive earlier this year, but they are still under discussion.

The EU, which declined to comment, is understood to be considering making the rules on exiting timeshares retrospective, which could throw the industry into turmoil.

‘It is an incredibly complex issue and there is no easy solution,’ said Paul Gardner Bougaard, head of the Resort Development Organisation, which represents legitimate timeshare operators.

In the article it gave credence to MacDonalds (MRL), it states:-

“Last month Macdonald Resorts finally allowed timeshare owners to exit their contracts by paying four years’ fees”

Well that’s just sick!!!!!!!! 

Allowed, allowed. Who do these people think they are allowed indeed? This suggested that they need MRL’S permission and that the decision is theirs and theirs alone.

That is a untruth at best. MRL don’t own the resort’s the consumer does. So the consumers bought a fraction of property and in many cases those consumer want the either keep it or give up, the property, the issue is with the committees of the clubs who run the resort not MRL

MRL are just the employed cleaner, gardeners and the like. Tail wagging the dog and snouts in other peoples troughs comes to mind with that statements.

MRL action group Take back control and eject the snout from the trough register at legal@timeshareconsumerassociation.org.uk


We allowed indeed!!!!!!!!


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk