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The timeshare dons who emblazon the industry logos and which litter the internet might catch a cold. They promote pride in their affiliation of the industry fuelled guttersnipes which may now have chip fat on their face. The protectorate affiliation and badges of “whops a daisy” may not bring them the honour they thought it would fetch, as the independents and less complained about timeshare industry spank the logos with the paddle of rebuke.

When the marching of madmen is halted and the sun breaks though the overcoats of drizzle, the snotty nosed pride guzzlers will be bounced out of timeshare to drink from the well “we got rumbled”.

Will change occur? Will it transcend into a new day and a warming rail? Is still yet to be seen! As the fence sitters bleat, the roundup of the chumps and pillocks should commence soon. The branding and flipped torture will batter some and bake others.

We at the TCA know that it can only happen and can only be achievable when the wanton disregard of reasonable principles has vanished and the habitual timeshare scam artists have been cast into second death pit of Gehenna.

That day is coming, that wish is being deliberated on and the bad old hornets know it. That’s why they are silent and pruning what they bleated in the past.

The jaws of justice are open and the chumps are about to be bitten by Gnashers they cannot control or fend off. There might be a beast afoot that leaves his game of marbles and commence looking up the skirts of the industry. No doubt they will find the nastiness, which we all know exists.

As for you the consumers, you are the fuel, you are the beneficiary of the rightful reaping, which is coming, is real, is honourable and is well passed its sell by date.

You might think in this “life of timeshare” that is a wishful dream or the ranting of a dizzy idea, but it is not and we know it and they know it.

The fiendish acts of signposting the battered and forlorn timeshare consumer to labyrinth of lepers will stop soon as it’s simply unsustainable, it’s ill conceived and is moral garbage.

The TCA hat is on the consumer peg; it’s nailed and will remain nailed on, as it was the dream of Sandy Grey. The fulfilment of his mission was incomplete at his very untimely death, but his dream rings out regardless.

The TCA is growing, is building and thousands of consumers are with us.

The job has been a costly one, it’s been tough and I am so glad of the support many have given to the Sandy Grey’s dream. We have done our best to highlight the events and move issues to the fore; we have made mistakes and justly been admonished and rightfully apologised when required. The day is coming when the TCA will concede the “agent provocateur” position and will invite you the consumers to sit on the board and run a true consumer enterprise for the consumers and in the best interest of all timeshare consumers. We intend to deliver, as that was the altruistic wish of Sandy Grey.

In respect to:-

MacDonalds Resorts Limited MRL

Join your action group, get back what is being taken off you, defile the enterprise which is defiling you and assist those who have already stood up to the interference of what you own, what you bought and what you cherish (your property). You might if you’re sitting on the fence regret it. The TCA are not on the committee are not a party to the proceeding and are not bound to anything other than timeshare consumers. The action group is now represented by minds immeasurable greater than ours, so it’s in your best interest to be represented by others who are in the know, who are in the loop and who are committed to firing a rocket up the very enterprise who rubs your nose in it.

Dyserth Falls

You the consumer can’t sue or would be mad to attempt it, as the company faces a small claim from the Inland Revenue and can’t or won’t pay it, so you have to act quickly and nail your tormentors at the winding up petition. The event which will occur on the 2nd of March could bring your dreams true, it could end the wrath and the false promise you have been subjected to, it could mend a bent and wonky arrow. Do you trust the courts or the bedevilment of a timeshare presentation with promises which has been belched out from a grid?

Aroma Thyme Limited

This is simple; send the smelly Aroma a message “get the hell out of Lakeview and take your chubby partner with you.

Your contract is a sham, its slutchy, unenforceable and is backed and partnered by a pseudo enterprise, who in the words of “Smashy and Nicey”- “does a lotta work for charity”.

The TCA believe that the TATOC Lackey are trumpeting in Lakeview, milking timeshare consumers by peddling a debacle of a timeshare contract drafted by a possible twit.

 Please complain, please call the authorities and demand your rights.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk