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Following on from our recent news report on the 14th of October in connection to the legal proceedings raised by an RCI Action group, we here at TCA are ecstatic to announce another win for the consumer with a guilty verdict reached by Justice Proudman in the High Court of England and Wales last week.

This will now open the flood gates for thousands of other frustrated RCI members who feel betrayed by their treatment and this ruling now confirms the blatant flaunting of the rules and legislation by RDO and TATOC members RCI in regards to its exchange programme.

The judgement passed finds RCI in breach of contract as it has now been proved that they removed many of their members sought after weeks in high standard properties from the exchange pool to allow them to profit from the rewards, thus denying their valued members the opportunity to procure these highly desirable weeks.

On review of the four cases presented to her at trial in May this year Justice Sonya Proudman found the claimants had not proved loss. However, after a long litigation process, she did decide that RCI was willing to, and did, mislead its members as to what RCI did with members’ deposited timeshares. During deliberation it as also uncovered that salesmen would, as instructed by RCI would state that members weeks were ONLY added to the exchange pool and not used for any other purpose which was proven entirely untrue.

David Greene, a senior partner at Edwin Coe LLP, who fought on behalf of the action group said:

“Mrs Justice Proudman found RCI pulled out members deposited timeshares for their own use and was in breach of the contract with its members. RCI’s arrogance towards its members is staggering and the judge rightly found against them on these issues”

We at TCA applaud the dedication and persistence of these RCI members to pursue a lengthy court battle with no guarantees. But in this case perseverance prevailed with the consumer coming out on top.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk