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There have been many things going on at Anfi over the last year including issues with the Tauro Beach Project, and several court cases lost against their timeshare owners. However, there may be a turnaround of events in the air. The popular hotel group in the south of Gran Canaria has partnered with Anfi Sales SL by purchasing a 50 percent share hold of Anfi Resorts.

There have been comments made whether or not this will help Anfi’s situation both in their ongoing projects and their discrepancies in court with their current owners. However, there seems to be no bad news on this front, IFA Lopesan have many luxury hotels, and they have plentiful funds which should aid in any ongoing issues.

Lopesan have said, however, that they plan on making no changes at the moment with the way that Anfi Resorts are managed, they look to continue with the same business plan of Timeshare. They may look at improving some of the facilities around the resorts, and updating the accommodations in the near future, therefore this can only be seen as positive news for owners at their resorts.

In respect of the ongoing projects, IFA Lopesan will have to apply for new permits along with Anfi to be able to continue the development of the area behind the Beach project. There have been many issues with this project over the last year, with a prosecution against Anfi being made only two weeks ago. There were documents and signatures forged during the planning stages of the project, and there have been many involved in these wrong doings, including the ministry of the environment in Gran Canaria.

Perhaps IFA Lopesan will have the influence that is needed to help Anfi through their struggles. We at the TCA hope that the owners benefit from this partnership, and we would like to hear from any of you that see any improvements and indeed if you don’t. You can contact us on the phone number or email address below.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk