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A recent episode of BBC financial programme Rip Off Britain: Holidays highlighted the situation lots of timeshare owners find themselves in if unwanted constitutional changes are made by the Timeshare’s committee. Many timeshare owners are feeling short-changed as they cannot use the same weeks they have become accustomed to, and in some cases they are not even allowed to holiday in the timeshare property they consider to be theirs!

Timeshare holidays boomed in the ‘80s, but popularity in timeshare ownership has been declining in recent years, prompting many owners to begin looking into selling their timeshare. Many timeshare companies are now moving away from the traditional setup whereby owners buy specific ‘weeks’ in a chosen property. A popular alternative for timeshare companies is to move to a ‘floating week’ timeshare, which is exactly what happened to Gary Pennington, who sought the help of Rip Off Britain.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk