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Timeshare scams:

See Here

Horror stories from the Costa Del Bandit

something you’ll bitterly regret- appalled at the overwhelming pressure-exorbitant cost captured by a cold call telephone call from vigorously trained people-personal details were freely given to people at airports with clipboards-conducting cunningly persuasive script, beginning with “congratulations-thousands trying to extricate themselves and their families from the almost impregnable contract for a week’s holiday with annual service fees

And you wonder why Timeshare has a bad name………..

 Whistle-blower gives Brian Hayhurst an insight into the selling techniques



Buying into a timeshare is supposed to give you and your family a few days’ carefree holiday, somewhere in the world with a convincing promise of a magical, unforgettable break in luxury accommodation. Or is it Huddersfield ex-pat Brian Hayhurst gives us this insight from an insider just in case you’re tempted to buy that bolthole in the sun as people’s thoughts turn to holidays as soon as Christmas is out of the way.

 Recently Elaine and I met up with an old friend, Steph, who, after quitting her job in a timeshare resort, became whistle-blower and give us a true insight into the goings on at one of dozens of the ‘Holiday Ownership Resorts’ here on the Costa del Sol.

She quit her job as telemarketer being disappointed and appalled at the overwhelming pressure being put on people to visit a resort or club to buy a week, upgrade or buy points at exorbitant cost.

Fuengirola, Costa del Sol, Spain. Beach.

We have been aware of some of the timeshare pitfalls after our first encounter in the 1980s when we did a favour for another friend, Kaz, who was a ‘front liner’ out on the streets of Fuengirola stopping people offering scratch cards with a definite prize and entry into a draw for a camcorder or even a holiday. All we had to do was visit the resort for one hour – taxi provided – and cash-strapped Kaz would be paid the equivalent of £15 in pesetas.

We went and three hours later after a torrent of pressure to purchase a one-week holiday for £3,000 we virtually fought our way out of the meeting, carrying a cheap watch which stopped working when we arrived back home.

Steph said: “Street workers with scratch cards are now illegal. Now most of the unfortunate ‘clients’ are captured by a cold call telephone call from vigorously trained people like I was, one of 40 or 50 telemarketers.”

It amazed us that personal details were freely given to people at airports with clipboards conducting some kind of survey, again offering the chance of a super prize for ticking a few boxes on the sheet. Others may have come from a list, dubiously obtained, which contains your details including the all-important telephone number.

Sitting in front of a computer screen Steph would go through the cunningly persuasive script, beginning with “congratulations Mr? You have been chosen to enjoy a one-week splendid holiday in the sun here on the Costa del Sol in a superb location.”

Some weeks are at a drastically reduced price or even free.

After gaining the confidence of the client during the friendly but hard-hitting pitch, he or she would be asked to confirm the following requirements – be aged between 30 and 65, married or with partner for over a year, not disabled, UK home owner and earn jointly around £30,000. And, most importantly, willing to attend a presentation. We were bewildered why some folks would divulge this kind of information to a stranger, but they are doing it in their hundreds.

Apparently there are lots who agree quite quickly on the phone and even take up the special rate flight offer. Now they have your credit card details as well.

At this stage they are passed over to a ‘holiday co-ordinator’ who will explain from a live system what’s available and constantly reassuring them that they are in for a great time.

The beach at Fuengirola on the Costa Del Sol in Spain


So here come the happy couple with perhaps a youngster. They are warmly greeted at reception and will go through the induction procedure (after taking passports for safe keeping) and asking them to fill in and sign a carefully worded agreement/contract which, among other things, binds them to attending one or more presentations.

Steph said: “Actually, if you fail to attend the meetings you are asked to pay the full accommodation fee of up to £600. If you do not or cannot pay it you are evicted. Even if you are ill there is little sympathy. Remember, they have your passports.”

The cheapest trial membership at some resorts could be £3,000 to £4,000. Again finance, however broke you are, is always available at excessively high interest rates. Once you have agreed to join or take on a holiday home for a week you are in it for life and there are, apparently, thousands trying to extricate themselves and their families from the almost impregnable contract for a week’s holiday with annual service fees which are rising massively each year.

And Steph said: “Not many realise that even if you die your family inherit the liability of the timeshare holiday.”

There is a growing number of highly trained and honest solicitors who will look at your case and if they feel they can get you out they will, but there are many other groups who are attracting desperate clients, taking upfront fees and doing nothing towards relieving them of the burden they have signed up for.

Some just simply disappear with your hard-earned cash.

Once you have your week in the sun and come back again you are hounded daily to upgrade or buy points for other exotic locations.

From the beginning our advice on receiving a call is quite simple. Put the phone down.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk