01908 881058 info@timeshareconsumerassociation.org.uk Donate

Yesterday a meeting took place whereby the action group and its attendances inaugurated a committee to represent the consumers in pursuit of damages and compensation. It remain clear that they seek exemplary damages and against MRL.

You can join is the group in pursuit of you rights in pursuit of you asserts and in pursuit of you quite enjoyment by contacting Litigation Management who gave a presentation and were fully engaged

Litigation management is headed by Mr Ben Hawking.

Litigation Management
Tarrant Place
65 Tarrant Street
Arundel BN18 9DJ

Tel: 0203 051 8645

Or register by filling out the application request

The link is here


Please take note that the TCA are not part of the committee and will not have any access to any further details surrounding the action which is about to start. That being so all consumers are asked to contract Litigation Management in the future as the TCA will not be reporting any further information unless it is the public domain or in the best interest of the group.

The TCA take this opportunity is wishing everyone well and hope that MRL see reason and soon.

Please note that as our assistance is terminated, a committee is formed and a legal team is now in place incoming timeshare consumers are advised to seek assistance from the MRL website

Link to that web site is here. http://www.macdonaldowners.org.uk/news.htm

All registered consumers are further advised not discuss or impart any information to anyone who is not registered and it will not assist the case and confidentiality at all material times is an undertaking you have all pledged to abide by.


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk