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Conference video. The music a bit tacky however you will be impressed by Harry (Henry)

thumb twiddling dance routine

They just keep coming, the gloss praise and tumultuous “jolly well done’s” all round.


First up Robin Mills


Points of Interest

Energize the consumer as they are part of the industry.

The consumer needed to be together with the industry as “together we can” is the “motto”

TATOC and the Industry are coming together!

Wow says the TCA!!!!

As a result, the industry is far better placed.

TCA Says: we agree you are far better placed)


Next up Mr Harry Taylor (or Henry)

Points of Interest

TATOC were small until 2008 as it raised up as a result of a new plan (TCA will discuss the plan later)

TATOC brought to the fore and is now known as being experts in the consumer industry.

We are now a force to the reckoned with advise the UK government and agencies.

How have TATOC done this, they have succeeded in raised the perception.

TCA says it’s called shoving the bad under the carpet


Dimitris Mankis RCI Next Points of Interest

He says:-:-

He has not seen many companies around for 25 years

TCA says:-you are right and neither have TATOC been a Company for 25 years.

We like to complicate things

TCA says we know you do!

We talk about business

TCA says we know you do!

3 common objectives

Common objectives and Common accomplishments

TATOC protect 1,000, 1,000, 1,000 of consumer rights.

And he hopes it continues.

TCA says we know you TATOC and the industry have common objectives and accomplishments but we tend to take issue with the final bit


Next Oliver Green

Points of Interest

He just promotes his business and does not talk about anything else.


Then “a bit of a do” and the usual Hokey Cokey (A bit fragmented)


Next Mike Ashton


Points of Interest

(Rabbits on about)

Need to understand Member Resorts Requirements

Need to understand what TATOC affiliates are offering

A need to facilitate introduction (presumably to TATOC)

Ultimate goal is to increase membership.

Increase membership individually, Member Resorts and affiliate.

Those are the three goals.

TCA says I thought you might have mentioned consumers as you were supposed to be at a consumer conference.


Back to Harry or Henry Taylor.

Points of Interest

Every year brings more success.

TCA says for whom? Not the consumers

Goal in the nest 3-4 years get more members.

TCA says more members more money more money more TATOC advice.

Affiliates and more resorts.

TCA says no mention of consumers the people you purport to represent.

TCA says (Now this is what you call saving the best to the last).



Launching Ambassador Programme from industry experts that are TATOC through and through

To further the help line they will create a separate company to help consumers with industry advice.

TCA says so the TATOC help line is not working as you need to form a new company with new staff or ambassadors who are TATOC through and through. So the “same old same old” (Lancastrian Quirk I think) in a new dress.

Then advance into Europe.

TCA says For God’s sake “Vote UKIP” and get rid of Europe

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk