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Left and centre: migrants “decorating” the walls at luxury resort. Right: Happy faces on the balcony

Recently, we published an article covering the humanitarian actions of Holiday Club Canaries in housing African migrants.  

MD Calvin Lucock explained that he was putting politics aside and that Puerto Calma Club was doing the right thing by helping people in need.  

Calvin also explained that the owners would lose nothing by the generosity shown to the refugees, and that the club would even benefit by being able to bring workers back from ERTE (furlough) taking strain off their families.

Calvin pointed out that the otherwise empty resort may even be able to reduce maintenance fees for next year because of the financial arrangement with the Red Cross.

High end luxury.  Puerto Calma timeshare complex

Not long after the article was published, the Timeshare Consumer Association began receiving communication from club members, claiming ulterior motives on the part of the Puerto Calma boss.

John (name changed by request) owns three weeks at Puerto Calma together with his wife.

All owners were informed by email of the plans to move immigrants (they’re not refugees as Calvin would claim but illegal economic migrants) into Puerto Calma on the same day they started moving them in,”  says John.  “The owners were told we had no choice. We were told it would be refugee families fleeing war torn sub Saharan Africa, but they are all single young men looking for an easy way into Europe. 

“The real reason for Calvin´s generosity,” says John, “is that his wife, Unn Tove Saetran, owns the Holiday Club onsite restaurants, (called Aqui) which are receiving the refugee´s food and drink budget from the Red Cross  This has nothing to do with Calvin being a humanitarian, but everything to do with filling his wife’s bank account.”

John further asserts that, “Unn Tove Saetran is holding singing and dancing parties for their arrival, against Spanish lockdown laws.  There’s no social distancing and few masks being worn.  These activities were not available for paying members/owners when they stayed back in August.  They also seem to be being given materials to graffiti the walls of the resort.  I know Calvin has guaranteed the condition of the resort but it just isn’t respectful.”

John takes umbrage at assertions that Puerto Calma owners being presented as being uncaring:  “Owners are being accused of being unreasonable but we are being told that our home away from home is being used to house illegal immigrants, and we have to accept it without complaint. That goes against the premise it was sold on, and I believe will have a negative impact on Puerto Calma, if not the whole Holiday Club group. I’m currently going through my contract looking for a way out, and I know others are doing the same.”

Click here to view the video.

Daniel Keating of the Timeshare Consumer Association comments:  “This dispute and the accompanying accusations will no doubt be argued back and forth, and Calvin/Un Tove are welcome to contact us to provide comment or response.

“We do urge caution to any owners seeking to escape their timeshare contracts.  There are many scam operators looking to take advantage of timeshare owners trying to relinquish memberships and who will take your money without providing the service advertised.  

“Before making any decisions about retaining help in those matters, timeshare owners are welcome to contact our team for confidential, impartial advice  on which companies can be trusted and which ones are fraudulent operators.  We are available during office hours, Monday to Friday on the contact details below.” 

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk