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Several consumers from the United States have contacted TCA informing us of the latest scam operation used by representatives allegedly working for Resort Owners Services of 10150 East Pike, Cambridge, OH, USA in which they offer to buy the clients out of their timeshares.

The unsuspected consumers were contacted by telephone and subsequently asked to complete paperwork. During the call, ROS provides the client with their bank details, where they were then required to transfer monies too, this being a Mexican Bank.  Consumers were told that the monies they transferred were to cover title searches, administration costs, purchase fees etc.  Once the monies had left the consumers account and successfully hit the Mexican Bank account all contact from ROS ceased and no further information was received. One unfortunate consumer claims to have lost more than $22,000 as a result.

Another consumer confirmed he had personally contacted David W. T. Carroll, the statutory agent for Resort Owners Services, LLC and their legal counsel, who stated the legitimate company was an internal organisation that provided services to a family of membership campground resorts, however, ceased trading in 2012.  Nor has the company been at the Cambridge address since such time. He also stated the company never entered into any contracts with the public.

Should you be contacted by any timeshare company enquiring to purchase your timeshare please think carefully and be cautious.  We at TCA recommend you follow these simple rules to ensure you are not to be ‘had’ with the latest, ever growing, timeshare scams that are out there.

  • Always do your own research; look for recommended, reliable accredited timeshare re-sellers; checking reviews to be sure they are trustworthy. Research the companies address to confirm it exists, a P.O. Box is not sufficient. Contact names are important too; to see what other consumers are saying.  Ensure the business supplies backup contact information at all times.
  • Never feel pressured; never agree verbally over the phone to anything that is presented. Before answering yes to anything, always take your time to think about your decision, asking for a call back if necessary or written information.
  • Always read the Contract with caution; seek a second opinion if you are in doubt, genuine contracts should always include, services provided by the broker, any costs should be outlined as to what they are and when they are expected to be paid, the length of time to sell the timeshare should also be detailed, the refund and guarantee policy as well as who is responsible for the sale.
  • Value your timeshare; it is highly recommended to know the estimated value of your timeshare before selling it on. If you are approached and offered a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Avoid; companies that request fees upfront and be aware of businesses that offer you a large fee and then slightly decrease it to seem like a “good deal”. We at TCA recommend you find a business that allows you to pay your fees after the timeshare has been sold.

If you think you have been part of a timeshare scam, report it immediately, the sooner these organisations are captured and closed the better for the unsuspecting consumers who are prayed on by such scammers.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk