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A new blow for Anfi this week as an investigation in connection to their Tauro beach project has been brought to light.

The popular Spanish newspaper, La Provincia, reported on the recent dismissal of the Ministry of Environments, head of Costal authority Jose Maria Hernandez Leon.  This decision comes after significant inconsistencies were uncovered during a recent internal review into the authorisation’s granted to the Anfi Group by Leon for the proposed construction at the mouth of the Barranco de Tauro.  The submitted approvals are currently being challenged and investigated by Seprona, the Nature Protection service that is controlled by the Guardia Civil.

In February of this year they contested the validity of the proposal by Anfi to inhabit over 3km of the islands idyllic coastline, which includes plans to establish a new beach area and erect a tourist promenade.  The proposal would see Anfi Group – the joint venture between Santana Cazorla and the Lyng Family – be awarded freehold of the area for a period of 50 years.

The public reaction to the project is that of absolute outrage with the impact of the development on the surrounding area being the main objection.  Neighbouring homes and a long standing campsite will have no other option but to relocate due to oversights in the planning of the access to the new beach front.

Anfi have already seen high levels of supreme court judgements taken against them, as well as multiple cases brought forward by Canarian Legal Alliance.  One would think that this may be the beginning of further accusations and allegations of possible corruption from the partners within the Anfi Group, only time will tell.

To have raised the attention of the Guardia Civil these claims must possess more than probable cause.  We will be watching this one with interest and will be sure to update as the case continues.

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