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Well, this has been an interesting week in the world of timeshare for unhappy timeshare owners! This time, we at the TCA can report that Anfi Sales SL and Anfi Resorts SL have had to payout to a further 3 claimants in the past 2 weeks. Canarian Legal Alliance has been celebrating their 10th victory for unhappy timeshare owners this year. The growing popularity of these cases is a bit of a crippler for Anfi Resorts, but good news for their unhappy owners.

We last reported on Canarian Legal Alliance winning a case for Anfi Owners in May, which you can read here. Since then they have won a further 2 cases in the Supreme Court in Madrid and another in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria for their clients. Each case has been heard separately, but they are now becoming a lot faster, as there is now a precedence set. Not only are the cases being heard quicker, but also the clients are now receiving their payouts within months. This seems to be a domino effect for Anfi Sales SL, and there could be hundreds more to come.

The cases that have been won are in respect of timeshares bought in perpetuity that contain floating weeks. These 3 reported cases have been declared null and void by Spanish jurisdiction. The clients will be receiving sums of 20,000€, 38,000€ and 30,000€ from Anfi Sales SL as well as legal costs and further expenses. These sums are all around double the amount of the clients’ original payouts to the well-known timeshare group in respect of their floating weeks. This looks like very bad news for the RDO members Anfi, as their payouts are now reaching hundreds of thousands of euros with no light at the end of the tunnel.

If you would like to find out if this could be you, if you believe that you may have a case, do not hesitate to email us to request advice on the contract that you have signed. The TCA can advise and point in the right direction if you believe that you may have a claim.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk