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Timeshare salesmen are paradoxically the source of “real truth”.

How many consumers telephone the timeshare resorts and beg to buy timeshare or long term holiday product?

How many beg to join holiday clubs or fractional ownership schemes, because someone in the city thinks it’s a great investment?

Crunching on the computer for ½ an hour, I got to the grand total of


The reason why timeshare salesmen have to get you to go to a timeshare presentation is so that they have an opportunity to sell to you. You would never go otherwise. They have to induce you into the timeshare presentation by disguising it, by presenting it as something else and in a place where great and prosperous things will be unravelled. They promise dreams, with “lull-a-buy” days in hush-a-buy locations.

If the representations, claims and inference were true or that the product, the timeshare seller peddled was great and beneficial. There would be a stampede to get to a Timeshare Presentation. Have you ever seen people queuing outside a Presentation Hall like the “Harrods sale” or  a “queuing snake” with a line of wanton consumers are drenched in expectation knowing they!- yes they!- will get what everyone else wants- “ a timeshare presentation” ?

In fact knowing how greedy the timeshare industry can be, if the products were that fantastic or that valuable, they would be charging entrance fees.

How many times over the last 35 years has an independent news paper, tabloid or news channel ever screamed out “get hell on down to a timeshare presentation” –“you will make or save a fortune” -“the products are great”-“the prices are cheap” or “values are heading sky high”.

Never ?

Never, Ever !

Never, Ever, Ever ?

All you hear is-scam here-scam there-rip off over there and legal action over here. Yet they still tell you all is great, all is beneficial and all is good.

Timeshare salesmen lie for a living. You are very unlikely to sell your timeshare and you pay through the nose to get out.

If you try to sell your timeshare you will be charged, even thought the resellers are not legally allowed to charge you.

You will have your data sold off to cold callers and if you want to change your resort club rules or try to sack the rip off maintenance contractors. All you co- owners contact details will be denied you.

You will have to pursue any compensation through off shore courts and wade through many complex company arrangements. You will become ill with litigating sickness and all because you were sold an unkempt dream and all because you bought into a lie.

In life we can play out any scenario and assume many things.

When statements are made to you we have to assume they are either truthful or lies.

Most timeshare salesmen consistently lies to us, therefore those salesmen would paradoxically be a source of “real truth”. They lie, YOU know they lie, so when they represent YOU have a great deal, and YOU know YOU haven’t. YOU know YOU haven’t as there are no people scrapping to get into the presentations YOU are in.

Before you went to a presentation you did not have the need to buy a timeshare that need was created by salesmen. Having created and crafted a need out of nothing “hey presto” the salesman fill it and you will pay for it that day and many days into the future.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk