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Dyserth Falls Resort


Part of the resort has re opened, however the accommodations blocks are locked and bolted tight.

The present operator is not honouring any of the consumer contracts, yet has the keys and is exploiting the gym and the resorts facilities. The new operators are also pedalling new pre paid memberships – for use of the facilities and gym – they are staffing parts of the resorts to extract more profit.

The reception has 2 cubby covert guards or bouncers to ensure that if the timeshare owners arrive they can be ejected and/or boot out.

The timeshare owners are smacked in the face yet again, whilst others profit from their misery.

“The moral malaise beggars belief”

The industry websites may not report this sham, as it may attract adverse bad publicity to timeshare. What is equally not considered by the industry is – if they did act and did intervened with their high flying expensive legal departments and over paid servants, the many consumers at Dyserth falls could get a slice of Justice.

Or is Justice for consumers all over the world avoided in favour of increased growth, balance of payment surpluses, deficits reductions, inflation and plastic economic recovery claims.

We have

A Conservative Party

A Labour Party

Scottish Independent Party

Why not a consumer party?

The seller of the original dodgy contracts has reportedly vanished and it is claimed he is soaking himself on a hot beach in Bali. The police are involved and investigating and hopeful they will jail the crooks who robbed consumers.

The cheek of it?

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk