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It is being reported that the RDO have decided that being 70 years of age will qualify a Consumer for a free exit from their timeshare commitments in the future.

Although we applaud them for allowing the many Consumers who are over 70 to exit their contract, we can’t quite work out why 70 is the magic number and/or why there is a number at all.

A statement was published by a newspaper claiming that they had a process. They did not qualify that you could leave for free or that you would be charged a significant amount of money to do so.

Reading the article, the exact plan is not explained and they do not refer to the criteria or process reported. That being so, what is it?

In the event that it does exist, one has to question;

  • What about the Consumers who are less that 70?
  • Why is 70 a determinable age?
  • Who suggests that this is fair?

In the event that there is not a full criteria and there are not several points to consider (age being only one), then surely this could be seen as ageist?

Ageism is discrimination, an unfair treatment based on a person’s age. It can impact on someone’s confidence, job prospects, financial situation and quality of life.

It can also include the way that the older generation are represented in the media, which can have a wider impact on the public’s attitudes.

It’s important that ageism, often called age discrimination, is addressed to ensure that nobody loses out because of their age. And so, we pose the questions, Why 70? You could have a very fit person aged 71 and they are released yet a person with ill health aged 65 is excluded.

You may be fully aware that you have been subject to ageism, but sometimes it’s not so obvious.

Although ageism is often seen as a workplace issue, you may face it when you’re out shopping, at the doctor’s surgery, or even when ordering products and services over the phone.

Under the Equality Act, you are protected from ageism in membership of clubs and associations. From 1 October 2012, you will have increased protection when you are receiving products and services, to ensure you aren’t treated unfairly.

The RDO again makes a determination as to health and states:-

 “If a sole owner or either of the joint owners is suffering from a long-term illness that prevents them from travelling to their resort for the foreseeable future, the timeshare interest may be surrendered.

This is a particular term and reserved to Travelling only. This excludes many illnesses and many conditions as travelling may be possible but the level of comfort is so debilitating that some people may not be entitled to the surrendering policy”

In respect to the RDO, the new exit plan appears to discriminate against some and not others, and as such, it may fall foul of the the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (c 50) (informally, and hereafter, the DDA). This is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which has been repealed and replaced by the Equality Act 2010, except in Northern Ireland where the Act still applies.

 If any Consumers have received the reported process/criteria for the “free exit” we would appreciate it if they would get in touch.





For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk