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TATOC announced a major misrepresentation which all timeshare consumers/owners should be aware of as, unwittingly, timeshare consumers could be subject to a major mis-adventure if they believe that the Supreme Court judges got the law right. Some might say the TATOC backed announcement is brave, others may say they are barking mad, but one has to stand in shock and awe at the “how dare they” position.

The Spanish Supreme Courts in Madrid have got the matter utterly wrong in that they have clearly misunderstood the laws they made (claims Anfi Resort and as inferred by TATOC), what fools are those judges? Well if the timeshare industry is to be believed?

This is summarised as a groundbreaking revelation by us and does “beggars belief” in that an ex timeshare man, Harry Taylor, sign posts his ecstatic consumers’ right back to the resort for a good dose of buffoonery.

This groundbreaking revelation and considered TATOC announcement is the new spectacular of 2015 and a repulsive revelation of the timeshare industry.

Coupled with this advice, consumers (who are frankly disgruntled) are advised to (by interpretation) avoid contact with the legal profession and visit their resort’s timeshare salesman instead for copious amounts of wooing.

In stark contrast, TATOC chivalrously guides consumers/owners back to the very resorts who sold them those unlawful contracts. The un-commendable signposting allows the resorts to give homage to the timeshare owners and will allow those resorts to exchange those unlawful contracts for new and more binding ones.

If the past is to be believed, diverted consumers might also be asked to tender 40 pieces of silver so as to refurnish “tank top” boiler rooms.

This advice is also being rolled out by the charity which underpins the TATOC mission.

In completely unrelated other news, a crime has been reported and, after an initial bout of investigation, 5 individuals are now under a prolonged investigation after a crime number has been officially allocated. A team has been put together to carry out that investigation and it is represented that it will be in depth and nail biting. The unidentified individuals represent an unincorporated association and a company. All have had involvement with Cornish resort and a cacophony of other resorts in the United Kingdom. The investigations are not reported, managed or investigated by KwikChex. No doubt this year a string of investigations will occur and many “rag-a-muffins” will be stripped of the unjust titles.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk