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We have now 3 confirm reports from consumers that the police are acting and that they have commenced and full blown investigation into the events of Dyserth Falls fractional ownership. As stated this information is sketchy but consumers are in contact with the police who appear to have confirmed that a senior inspector has been leading the investigation of the sham.

Consumers are advised to register with Malcolm Pitt who has more information on the subject. He is a consumer and is coordinating the formation of the action group.

RCI is reportedly revoking its points due to the insolvency of the report and have failed to reinstate the points after it was declared it was returned to solvency.

Consumer will of course know that this resort is no stranger to Police investigations and corresponding arrests and convictions.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk