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The TCA cannot supply a transcript however does invit anyone who can to assit us!

It is alledged that Mr Alberto Garcia is cat calling Voyager Travel, RCI, Anfi Del Mar, Atlantic Beach Club, John MacDonald and Holiday Club Finland

Alberto Garcia RDO/Mindtimeshare screws up their own member resorts and RCI

« on: December 06, 2013, 12:40:44 »

Alberto Garcia has done it again. Not only is he still shooting at voyager but by the looks of it he’s now even slandering his own employer’s affiliates.

I wonder whether he realises that the contents of this Danish TV program not only include references to Voyager Travel but rather comically focuses on slandering everyone from RCI and Anfi Del Mar to the RDO’s newest member, Atlantic Beach Club. Maybe someone should inform Mr Garcia that sharing a video around the web containing your employer’s newest member John MacDonald, testifying on camera that “yes our sales rep did not do a good enough job” and “we are going to sit down and take a look at how we conduct our sales” Is perhaps not the best way to get a raise. Hes even got an RCI representative on the phone admitting that they cannot fulfil what their clients have been asking for.  Someone should ask Calvin Lucock, president of the RDO and owner at Holiday Club Finland what he thinks of about Mr Garcia’s attacks against his own RDO members.  Maybe he instructed him to do it to get rid of the competition on Gran Canaria.

This guy is truly unbelievable, he won’t stop until he destroys the entire industry and in if he continues like this, puts himself out of a job. I know for a fact that voyager has already handed over this TV footage to the courts in Gran Canaria as evidence of the damage that Alberto has been inflicting upon the vacation industry in the canaries.

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