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(Strategic means:- a high level plan to achieve one or more goals)

TCA says:-

This is an announcement which TATOC made on Monday, July 14, 2008. This was after Mr Henry (or is it Harry) Taylor was appointed ad Director of TATOC.

All the announcements are is italics

TATOC Says:-

Consumer Association TATOC today announced major support of their new strategy from key names within the European timeshare sector.

TCA says:-

As the old strategy is not known to the TCA, the new strategy appears in involve extensive support from the industry and in rebuttal to Sandy Grey’TCA.

Noteworthy is the OTE changed its name to the RDO.(27 October that year). The Organisation for Timeshare in Europe (“OTE”) announce plans to change it’s name to ‘Resort Development Organisation’ (“RDO”).

This is in the back drop to the many conviction and criminality of some OTE members.





TATOC says:-

OTE tried to establish cooperation with the TCA in 1999 but its Chairman Mr. Grey personally refused any cooperation.

TCA says:-

The reason given by Sandy Grey was he believed he did not want to contaminate his work as a consumer champion by way of industry sponsorship.

Needless to say after TATOC became sponsored by the industry it levelled this allegation on the on 10 November 2008 sum 9 years after.


TATOC Says:-

In March this year, TATOC presented a definitive new plan to delegates at their annual conference. This plan included an opportunity for businesses to provide support to the association in the shape of website sponsorship.

TCA says:-

Therefore TATOC says it’s the consumers association, it deals with committees (the association of timeshare owners committees) and has a new definitive plan which includes “opportunities for businesses to provide support”

I know this is all old news as anyone can see that the industry does advertise on the TATOC website.

The date of this announcement and new plan was Monday, July 14, 2008.

11/3/2007 Neil Chapman

23/1/2007 Henry Taylor was appointed a Company Secretary yet:-

He statesTATOC’ Chief Executive Harry Taylor.

TCA says:-

Therefore even if Harry (Henry was Company Secretary he was not a Director officially he only became a Director on the 12/3/2011


TATOC Says:-

Amongst the big name players to announce their support of TATOC through the Platinum Sponsorship package are Club La Costa, Dial An Exchange, Diamond Resorts International, Grand Holidays Club, Macdonald Resorts, Perspective Magazine, Group RCI and Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket.

TCA says:-

Being a consumer and since the boom of Timeshare in the 70’s it took 38 years to organise a Consumer Body to assist consumers. In this back drop Sandy Grey was doing that job for over 11 years and bringing the bad resorts and operators to task yet, TATOC set up in a pseudo competition and has the benefit of swages amounts of money to fund publicity. If the Industry where genuine surly they would of given it to the expert at the time Sandy Grey. Strange see mindtimeshare replaced by KwikChex?

TATOC Says:-

TATOC’ Chief Executive Harry Taylor was particularly pleased with this progress “I am really pleased with the pledges of support from such a selection of big name timeshare players. In the last few months, we have experienced a marked improvement in our profile. It seems that the industry has awoken to the power of owners who have positive things to say about the industry. This support will ensure we can progress against our plan. Every entity, be it for profit or not for profit, needs resources to effectively conduct business and TATOC is no different. Having said that is important that the industry understands that this support does not mean we will sacrifice our independence. The companies who have taken Platinum Sponsorship have done so under strict conditions”

TCA says:-

There you have it TATOC want the industry money to conduct business and says:-

It seems that the industry has awoken to the power of owners who have positive things to say about the industry.

TCA says:-

Is positive the right approach or is clearing the bad out of the industry better is the question to address? As if you get rid of the bad and introduce fair practice you have a sustainable and good industry. TATOC is like a platform for suppression.

That all said whilst the industry money is filling the TATOC coffer that does not mean they will sacrifice their independence.

TATOC Says:-

Another long time supporter of TATOC is Dial An Exchange’s European Managing Director, David Lilley. Commenting on the apparent growing support of TATOC David said “This is fantastic news. I have been a strong supporter of their cause for many years now and it is refreshing that the hard work done by them this year is starting to pay dividends. The most pleasing aspect of this development is that the sponsors are so diverse. This shows that TATOC are determined to retain their independence. I think this is critical consideration for a credible consumer association. Dial an Exchange remains as committed to an independent TATOC as we have been for the last several years. TATOC and timeshare owners are our industry’s strongest asset”

Macdonald Resorts have also pledged their support of TATOC by taking the Platinum Sponsorship package and enrolling all nine of their resorts into TATOC

Simon Jackson, Managing Director of the resort chain said “Our industry has a lot of work to do to grow and prosper. To accomplish this we need a strong consumer association and TATOC certainly appear to be that.

TCA says:-

Why does Simon Jackson believe that to accomplish growth and prosperity they need to sponsor TATOC?

How will TATOC fill the void, MRL have?

TATOC primarily had dealing with timeshare committee and after a MRL rouge resort “Loch Rannoch” tufted MRL out, maybe MRL wished assistance of TATOC so as not to have this happen again. The fact that MRL abandoned their claim against three committees at Loch Rannoch in 2004 might have left MRL wanting and in need of TATOC assistance could be another reason. Being truthfully I do not know what is in the mind of MRL as their reasons could have been quite genuine and honourable.

(6 Oct) Macdonald Hotels abandons a claim for £800,000 against the three committee members at Loch Rannoch Highland Club and have agreed not to attend the Club AGM on Saturday 8 October.


This again was in the days when Sandy Grey was alive, yet the industry did not sponsor his good advice, nor did the industry sponsors or disagree with the popularity of Sandy Grey. They had to believe Sandy Greys website was popular as the industry bought his website and diverted the traffic to TATOC and the RDO (Now operating as The Timeshare Consumer Association Portal).

TATOC Says:-

They also share my personal vision for the future. Macdonald Resorts is pleased and proud to support them and our recent commitments are evidence of that” Dimitris Manikis, VP Business Development Group RCI said “Group RCI sees in TATOC a great partner and ally in building a better name and generating increased positive exposure for the European timeshare industry. We consider TATOC a great forum for delivering the right communication and for building relationships with all timeshare owners. Along with TATOC, Group RCI will continue to work to secure the protection of both existing and future owners, and perhaps most importantly ensuring that the many timeshare-owning families across Europe today enjoy better and better holiday experiences.”

TCA says:-

Everyone does not see TATOC that way as the consumers consistently visited with Sandy Grey. All that money eh, and the consumer still went to Sandy?

TATOC Says:-

Shelley Clark from Grand Holidays Club, Developers and Marketers in the Canary Islands expressed the company’s gratitude to TATOC for having extended the opportunity to them of becoming members of TATOC.

“With over 4.500 members in our Resorts, our aim is to reflect legality and transparency within the Industry and the presence of TATOC with their professionalism and desire to keep elevating the standards is something we are keen to get behind.”

The final supporting comment came from Phil Watson, Managing Director of Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket “Without customers we have no industry and so it’s important we do all we can to support an entity that exists to protect consumers’ interests. WWTH have supported TATOC for many years and this support will continue and increase. Resale’s is one of the most pertinent subjects for some owners at this present time and it’s important that companies like ours are transparent and accessible to owners. An association with TATOC, therefore, delivers a win win situation”

TCA says:-

Is it truly a win win? Are the Consumer winners?

TATOC Says:-

Despite the positive progress against strategy Chief Executive Taylor added a word of mild caution “This is a strong start for us but there is so much more work for our team to do. The support we have coming in will help to recruit staff to assist the wonderful volunteers we have on board already. We are always looking for skilled volunteers to support our initiatives and the small executive team are now actively looking for supporters in key administrative areas. Any company that wants to be part of this initiative should contact me”

TCA says:-

There we have it any company that wants to be a part of TATOC should contact Harry. No mention of Consumers here. No comment from a consumer just industry big players.

Conclusion TCA says:-

The TCA is entirely for the consumer and upholding the consumer’s rights, that is what I bought into. I believe (wrongly or rightly) that if you have a company or organisation which funds you then that funding comes with a price, in that the funder wants something for its investment.

We are dealing with corporate enterprises here that operate in pursuit of profit. In saying that, operating in pursuit of profit is a good thing, please don’t think I take any issue with that. My issue is TATOC’s bent appears to be towards the very companies which sponsor them. After all why would a hoard of companies sponsors support, finance and court a Consumer organisation.

The only possible logical reason is that there is discord in the industry and that discord costs a lot of money to habitually resolve. I can fully appreciate funding a consumer body to investigate the Consumer complaints and exploring ways of a more harmonious relationships however funding to brush problems under the proverbial carpet is quite frankly ridicules.

Clearly TATOC say:- “I am really pleased with the pledges of support from such a selection of big name timeshare players. In the last few months, we have experienced a marked improvement in our profile. It seems that the industry has awoken to the power of owners who have positive things to say about the industry.

I can’t complain about this, as TATOC do just that (say positive things about the industry) but it’s untrue to aver that there are not server problems with the industry which ought to be fully addressed. The TCA stand accused of painting a bad picture of the industry and I have to say we are guilty as charged.

That said a balance has to be addressed so the consumers get two sides of the story and in the event consumers feel wronged those consumers need to find an answer which the industry does not sign post them to, nor do the Citizens Advice.

There are independents and more moderate people in the timeshare community than those engaged in the TCA. People who have very balanced views about timeshare, therefore consumers might we to seek advice from them if they so choose.

Maybe the TCA’S indefectible quest is too harsh, but so is the harshness which is sometime levied on consumers and therefore a rebuttal like the TCA is so required.

Should the entire timeshare community not embrace ethical trading (TCA sponsors) licensing salesmen (Mr. Williams Timeshare weekly) account controls and indeed an organisation for needy advice for committees? It is and was never my bent to make the legal industry rich, as money leaves the clubs and destroys dreams and quite enjoyment.

Imagine the saving if you could stop gloss being put on broken bench. The way forward has to be binding mediation with independent mediators. No issuing of writs, no lengthy and costly trials and fast “tomlin order” resolutions.

My Other issue is the Quango’s like KwikChex, They are employed over Mindtimeshare. Here is a long term, dedicated, qualified ex Policeman routing out thieves to clean up the Timeshare industry and he is forsaken for ChexChex. That’s just not right!

Mindtimeshare sits on the opposite site of the road to the TCA, as it is sponsored by the industry, yet you cannot fault the intension, the product and the commitments and therefore the RDO should be exonerated for enterprise.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk