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This is an appeal to all timeshare consumers.

We want to celebrate the windfall which has befallen the industry. We at the TCA have been made aware from the legal eagles of Praetorian Legal Services in Birmingham that the Worldwide Reputational Management team at KwikChex have startled the entire country and recovered, though their investigations with RDO and TATOC the sum of £80 million, yes £80 million for consumers this year alone – their first year on the job. That’s fantastic, absolutely brilliant, spectacular one might say.

The only thing is we have never heard of it,

Praetorian Legal have never heard of it

UKRE have never heard of it

Athena Law have never heard of it

TATOC have not reported it

RDO have not reported it

Justice 4 have never heard of it

 Aberfoyle Holidays have never heard of it

(the list can go on and on but the point is made)

You would think the legal team would have splashed it everywhere and repetitively. £80 Million Recovery! Over 3 times the amount stolen in the Brinks Matt Robbery.

5 million more than the Co-op loss in 2013.

This company with a balance sheet of £PIDDLE has foiled a massive habitual swindle and no one knew a thing. The man should be knighted and called “Lord Timeshare”.

Only in timeshare, eh?

The sad thing is the “This is Money” believe KwikChex with not one shred of evidence. No names, no details, nothing; just the word of Mr Emmins (habitual Director of failed companies) and TATOC (celebrating 25 years in timeshare however the truth is TATOC only came into existence in about 13 years ago) . I am stunned to say the least, it beggars belief!

That’s the power of being recommended by the CAB, which is the award CAB gave to and then took away from TATOC.

Let me explain, if a consumer needs advice they can go to a variety of places including MP’s, Age Concern, newspapers, town councilors, Trading Standards etc, and they all refer to and consult the CAB recommendations, as the CAB are trusted.

This newspaper trusted the recommendation of CAB and this is the result, the dish which is served to the timeshare community. This alas will continue unless you the consumers stop it and you can do this by calling, emailing or writing to the CAB.

This Citizens Advice Bureau is for consumers, it lives and thrives for consumers and is misguided on the issue of timeshare.

You the consumer can stop this if the consumer wants. it’s all in your power not ours!

This article was entirely inspired by an article by Praetorian Legal.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk