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By visiting our website we assume you are a timeshare owner or at least have an interest in the subject. We think it’s fair to say that both 2020 and 2021 have been trying times for the travel and hospitality sector; however timeshare owners have had a particularly tough time. Admittedly the pandemic has proved to not only be an unexpected event but also one which few people or industries were ready for, or equipped to handle.

With the timeshare industry having to address travel restrictions and various global lockdowns it faced the additional problem surrounding  the discontent of owners, firstly the continuing demands for maintenance fees for holidays that couldn’t be taken, secondly no sign of any refunds for holidays cancelled then when resorts opened, availability issues came to the fore. Solutions were offered but for the most part not of much assistance, so the reality is that in many cases, holidays were lost. We would be the first to agree there is a general misunderstanding surrounding payment of maintenance fees, whilst the word “maintenance” gives it away, many owners still feel that this fee pays for a holiday, which of course it doesn’t.

That said, during lockdown periods when resorts were closed and staff on government furlough schemes, expenses dropped, no guests, no staff, no wear and tear, no apartment cleaning and only a skeleton maintenance team. Still, full annual maintenance fees were charged.

Changes in the industry

During this year we have experienced what can only be described as self engineered insolvencies by several large developers. These actions have caused great confusion and uncertainty amongst owners. Also during the year we have seen Hilton swallowing Diamond, again more confusion. Next to jump in were Wyndham with their sort of takeover of Club la Costa. Recently Seasons Holidays have taken steps to remove owners from their Slaley Hall resort and have joined forces with Dutch lodges giant Roompot, the Daily Mirror has also reported on this.

Factoring in the above and the continuing pandemic, 2021 has been an interesting if not very confusing year for the timeshare industry, and more importantly for owners.

2022 and beyond

As we pen this article its early December so less than a month away from 2022. The Covid Omicron variant has reared its ugly head with many doom mongers predicting further lockdowns. Knee jerk reactions from many governments have already placed restrictions and changes on various country entry rules which affect the travel industry, an industry that of course includes timeshare. We think it would be a brave pundit that predicts, or confirms, that this latest variant will be the end of the pandemic. One thing that is certain is that the beginning of the New Year will be, at best, an interesting time, at worst, your guess is as good as ours.

What do you think?

As an owner at Diamond or CLC are you confused or concerned? What about Anfi? Have you lost your holiday due to the pandemic? Do you feel that what you own now bears no resemblance to what you purchased? Do you still believe that your ownership is the best thing since sliced bread? Are you fed up and just want out? We would like to hear about your experiences good or bad. You will notice we have a comments section below and would love to hear your story. For a more comprehensive report on your feelings you also have access to our 2021 owners’ satisfaction survey which may be found here

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk