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Management at the Loch Rannoch Highland Club have announced a temporary shutdown, blaming localised lockdowns and travel. This follows a disagreement with senior management which prompted a walkout of all senior staff.

Disgruntled timeshare owners are now demanding the resignation of the current committee, who they blame for the months of upheaval. According to figures published in a recent article that appeared in The Courier online the popular club, which overlooks Loch Rannoch in Perthshire Scotland has 26 staff and more than 3,800 timeshare owners.

In an email sent to club members, chairman Cliff Hunter wrote: “Unfortunately, as the pandemic continues to affect the entire UK in a number of different ways, maintaining operations and returning profit to support the sustainability of the club has been difficult. “

“The recent localised measures introduced in Scotland on November 2, which restrict travel across much of the country, and the full national lockdown which England has a huge impact on the club.” 

He confirmed the club will close “until further notice” adding: “The aim will be to safely reopen the club at the earliest opportunity, but at present a date cannot be provided for when this will be.”

The Outlook

As has become the normal practice amongst resorts, timeshare owners will still be expected to pay their annual maintenance which ranges between £350 and £500 per week owned despite the fact that the resort is closed until further notice.

Although not substantiated, it has been reported that the resort is experiencing financial difficulties. Mr Hunter volunteered that a police investigation had been launched at the club, stating the former general manager was “dismissed for matters of gross misconduct”.

He further wrote: “It is an ongoing Police Scotland investigation. Perth CID has conducted interviews with staff and committee members and is reviewing evidence on these matters. “We have now been advised by Police Scotland that, at this time, all we can say further on this matter is that the investigation is into financial irregularities.”

A Police Scotland spokeswoman told The Courier: “We can confirm we have received a report of a possible embezzlement. Enquiries are ongoing and at an early stage.”

Once again the “timeshare owner” is at the mercy of the resort management or developer and is still expected to accept the rules as laid down including the continuation of maintenance fee payments for a service that is not being provided.

Given the continued uncertainty surrounding the club, our question would be; how many members of the club have already paid their 2021 maintenance fees or are expected to do so in the very near future?

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk