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Californian man Rob Broyles was found guilty on multiple cases of property appraisal fraud on March 27th 2017, in relation to over 5000 timeshare properties.  He actively ran a timeshare donation scheme in which the timeshare owners involved, whether knowingly or not, claimed unlawful tax deductions for donating their timeshare.

It was Broyles that was involved in the preparation for all of the property appraisals in the donation of the timeshares for donate for a cause, and in every one there were falsifications of information of some format.  Statements in the appraisals included fraudulent claims about tax deductions being allowable.  It was heard that Broyles was unaware that he had included falsified statements in the appraisals.  One would find this rather odd, as Broyles had been appointed as the head appraiser in ‘Donate for a Cause’ based in Montana.  He also earned a whopping $600 plus over the space of three years for making appraisals.  Hence finding it hard to believe that he was not aware of what he was doing, it seems the only cause he was donating to was his own pocket.

All in, across the board of all the clients that made improper tax deductions, the total sum came to just over $11m claimed.  The court order which found Broyles guilty has also instructed Broyles to send a copy of the court judgement to each and every individual that was involved in his Appraisal scam.  He is to send all of his clients this either by post or email.  He is also to identify all of his clients that he has made appraisals for since 2010 to the courts.

Over and above being banned from making further property appraisals, Broyles has also been told that he should not advise, help or work for any other agent or person that is involved with property appraisals, so that the scam cannot continue.  However, this is not the first time this kind of scam has been pulled off.  There have been other similar cases in which the property appraisals have been fraudulently prepared.

To read the full court case please click here.  Please let us know if you have been involved in a timeshare property appraisal scam.  Our contact telephone and email address is below.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk