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Egypt has said that they are to revise the Timeshare Rules in the country after receiving so many complaints about the industry.  They originally agreed to timeshare properties being built and sold to increase or aid the tourism of the country, but it seems that it has had an adverse effect.

There are currently 70,000 unfinished timeshare units that were meant to be completed by 2011, however these have been delayed and delayed due to decrease in tourism and other issues.  An official from Egyptian Chamber of Hotels has told that the current system that is in place is to authorise the ownership of timeshare properties only when they are managed by a tourism company on the clients’ behalf for an agreed fee.

However, the Chamber of Tourism and the Egyptian Tourism Federation are meeting today to discuss the issues surrounding Timeshare and the major issue with the amounting complaints and how they will go forward and manage these.  Tourism in Egypt reached 9.3 million tourists in 2015, which was a decrease of 600,000 footfall on 2014, and the revenue that was taken in 2015 dropped dramatically from 2014.

At the moment the Tourism Companies are responsible for the majority of the complaints received in regards to negligence, giving an extremely bad reputation to Egypt’s tourism sector.  The official has said that the Timeshare industry is a ‘dark horse’ and that a lot of the projects that were meant to have been completed have been stopped due to lack of demand.

It is now a waiting game for those that do own Timeshare in Egypt to see what the outcome of today’s meeting will be.  Will this be another blow for Timeshare owners?  Or will this actually assist in the Timeshare owners complaints and put a better system in place?  Only time will tell, if you own a Timeshare in Egypt, and have any questions regarding the position of your Timeshare, we would love to hear from you on the below email or telephone number, we will attempt to answer any questions that you may have.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk