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With the dream of a better life for her young family, this ex-saleswoman documents the pitfalls of her daily struggle with her conscience to succeed in selling timeshare for a living.  In a spectacular leap of faith, American, Rosie Campos made the life changing decision to relocate to her husband’s homeland of Mexico with their two small children.  Uprooting their whole life with no job opportunities in place, Rosie was risking everything to succeed in a different country. With very little savings and not much more belongings than the clothes on their back, Rosie thought she had hit the jackpot when she met a charming timeshare representative.

He began to explain she could easily earn her family thousands of dollars a week – then going on to offer her a job as an OPC – Offsite Premises Contact.  Accepting the position instantly she learned her salary would be dependent on her success at enticing holidaying couples to attend a timeshare presentation.

Rosie spent her first day observing an experienced OPC to learn the tricks of the trade, which were actually blatant lies, to gain the clients attendance.  Rosie attempted to improve her technique over the following weeks and months, but to her own admission

“She hated Lying”.

In the following months there was further pressure from her boss for her to work longer hours, extra shifts, basically to work harder to succeed. This led to many weeks without spending any quality time with her growing family.  With anxiety washing over her, she knew it was time to assess the disastrous situation.

With money extremely scarce, and her husband unfortunately unable to secure suitable employment, her children began struggling to adapt to the extreme change of lifestyle. She was no longer prepared to let her kids go hungry, neither did Rosie have the intention of missing all the precious memories she was at that moment.  This left Rosie with only one option, the heartbreaking decision to admit defeat.

If the job hadn’t killed her, the stress on her health certainly would have. In the end the family moved back to the US.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk