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“Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and internet crime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime.

We provide a central point of contact for information about fraud and financially motivated internet crime. People are scammed, ripped off or conned everyday and we want this to stop.

The service is run by the City of London Police working alongside the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau who are responsible for assessment of the reports and to ensure that your fraud reports reach the right place. The City of London Police is the national policing lead for economic crime.

How to report a fraud?

Reporting fraud and cyber crime online

To report a fraud via our online fraud reporting tool, you will be taken to a new website address.

This is because our online fraud reporting tool has additional security on it to protect your information. You’ll notice that the website address begins with ‘https’, which means the website has a security certificate attached to it. When you submit your information, it is sent to us over a secure internet connection as well.

The online fraud reporting tool will take you through a series of questions about the incident you are reporting, including questions about the suspect. If you have any questions or need help you can ask one of our online advisers by clicking on the “Online advisors, live help” button and chatting online within the tool.

You will normally need around 20 to 30 minutes to complete the form. Once you have started the form you will need to complete it in one session, so before you begin, please make sure you have any relevant information to hand. For example names, dates, information about the suspect, and details of how any money was lost.

Please make sure that you are happy with the information you have entered on each page before continuing, as information you have entered will be lost and will need to be re-entered if you have to go back to a previous page.

Reporting fraud and cyber crime by phone

You can report fraud by speaking directly to our specialist fraud advisers by phoning 0300 123 2040. They will also be able to give you help and advice about fraud.
Monday to Friday between 9am to 6pm
Saturday between – closed
Sunday between – closed

Textphone users can dial 0300 123 2050

If you wish to make a report but want to remain anonymous then you will need to call the Action Fraud contact centre on 0300 123 2040. Note that we cannot offer anonymity if you use the online fraud reporting tool.

You can only call 0300 123 2040 from within the UK. If you wish to report a fraud about the UK from abroad, please use the online fraud reporting tool or call +44 (0)169 8264 700 or +44 (0) 289 0169 853

What does an ‘0300’ phone number mean?

03 phone numbers cost the same as a call to local landline phone numbers, even from a mobile phone. So by calling Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040, you will not have to pay over the odds for the call. Only public bodies and not-for-profit organisations are allowed to use a number beginning 030.

Vulnerable victims

We offer an enhanced service for vulnerable victims. Find out more about vulnerable victims.

Data security

For your peace of mind the data you provide is totally secure and will only be provided to the police or anti-fraud agencies. Read more about the Action Fraud Information Charter.

(Please be aware it is a criminal offence to submit a fake report)”

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk