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Sharks and Bulls V Turtles and Terrapins.

Timeshare consumers have been pushed into a life they probably did not want, did not seek or even expect. Many have been subjected to a preponderance of delusions which has caused them to dance with many debt delusion devils.

Timeshare con men who peddling overrated products in the form of long term holidays/timeshare products are not nice people. The products they sell have little or no value, and if you buy one you will be in for a ride that you did not expect and with strange bed-fellows.

To understand timeshare and the selling of it, you have a need to appreciate ‘value’ and the concept of value.

How much is a bag of sand worth? £5.00 – £3.00?

If that bag of sand is naturally Golden, Reddish, Brown or Pink resembling (say) the sand of “Black gang Chine” (IoW) the value of the sand increases.

In you have a small amount of sand which is for the beaches of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno or Sword Beach the value to a Grandson who lost their grandfather in the Normandy invasions greatly increases.

The sales men selling a product create a value with the representations that they make. They make suggestions, inferences, gestures, words, and drawings. It is their job to sell a product for the best possible price.

They interview you and investigate what makes you “tic” how you think! What you think you need. They align themselves with you, the product they are selling and enhanced the products value by fitting it to you your perceived needs and wants.

The salesman then observes you and guides you to your perceived value. When this perceived value is created (in your mind) BINGO “it is shoved down your throat”.

All the illusions then materialise and an overcoat of drizzle exists. Have you been conned or crafted? have you been misled? Tricked? Or are you a victim of your own stupidity?

There is no easy way of putting it;

“They won the day and your pockets are very much lighter”.

When we are talking of £5,000-£10,000 this is a lot of money. If you earn say £20.00 per hour this could have cost, you 250-500-hours work (dependant on you pay). 6 to 12-weeks work to pay for your mistake in a sales presentation or your inability to say NO.

If you have bought timeshare, the salesmen cannot resist having another “pop” at you, enticing you into other products you equally don’t want (bludgeoning common sense some people go to see “Mr. I gonna make you happy” and the hawking starts again.

Even though you might want to leave, vicarious door stepping blocks easy exits and the “Mr. I’m gonna make you happy” sales man concocts the tale of how Spam is better than Lamb. Employing “Mortons Fork” suggests the delusion continues which always results in you paying “wads of wonga”.

Then we have the timeshare industry, its clubs and free advice centres who distribute a pleather of numpties to advise you to “go back to “Mr. I gonna make you happy”. Legal companies sprout up selling exits from contracts which they sold you in the first place   timeshare is and has always been a Financial Carnification.





For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk