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Following on from our previous post regarding the letter issued to Avante owners by Hutchinson & Co (Can be found here),

It has come to our attention that our assumptions were correct. Hutchinson’s really don’t have a clue as to who the current owners are of the boats.

A number of consumers who have contacted Hutchinsons to confirm their relinquishment, have been advised that they can exit, for free.

Presently, there is no management company maintaining the boats and all holidays have been cancelled. Hutchinson’s have advised in their letter that they are in talks with potential management companies but there is no gaurentee that they will;

a) Secure one;

b) Reinstate holidays anytime soon;

c) Continue with the same maintenance fees.

With Avante/Shakespeare CL, our advice has always been to look after number 1. Protect yourself because they unfortunately, do not have the consumers best interest as number 1 on the list.

If you want to leave, do it now whilst you can. If you have received the letter from Hutchinson & Co then complete the relinquishment slip.

Remember, the maintenance bills issued to you by Avante Ltd, resulted from the timeshare sales which resulted from the fraud factory. – See here

The TCA advises that if a Consumer does not want to pay those bills, they have no need to do so. There is no Lawful liability as the claimed indebtedness flows from a fraud.

In the event that a Consumer has acquired one of these timeshares, the TCA repeats its advice – you can claim your money back.

Further to this,  if your timeshare has been frustrated by the forced closure of Avante (UK) Ltd, then again, you can see compensation.

If you paid a deposit of over £100 on a credit card then you can claim compensation by way of Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 – Information here

For any further information or support, please contact the TCA.



For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk