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The timeshare industry hates the exit companies with a vengeance, they construct relationships with others to berate and catcall them, and anyone who assists timeshare consumers to leave timeshare.

The industry implies that everyone in timeshare exit’s and relinquishment’s are crooks, when in actual fact, it is the timeshare industry who have the reputation of crooked behavior and criminality.

They sledge cold callers (rightly so) yet many of the resorts cold call and have cold called in the past.

Timeshare sellers induce consumers, they bate-and-switch and lure some into falsehoods, illusions and unattainable expectations. Yet this timeshare industry believes that they have the right to stand on the soap box and preach to others.

Simply put the industry is not trusted enough to be considered.

The industry employs reputational managers who don’t have good reputations. Ex Policemen who are dubious and the industry finance dodge consumer associations.

If the industry has created an abundance of smoke screens, delusions and foggy websites to promote timeshare, yet the timeshare owners keep leaving.

In truth, the herd of consumers keep walking out on timeshare products. The industry by its own methods, is losing vast amounts of trust, opportunities and credibility as a great product is being crushed and tossed on the scrapheap.

We have seen fixed weeks, floating weeks, points, pure points, fractional points, fractional ownership’s, deeds and exchanges. The industry changes the goalposts regarding  the rules in order to avoid the laws and migrate contracts. And who wins each and every time? Not the consumers.

The unity of the timeshare industry and the amounts they spend to corral consumers is astonishing, yet it’s simply not working. The timeshare industry is not stopping the exodus.

Thousands upon thousands of consumers are heading out of timeshare and paying thousands for it.

The industry is in a complete melt down and law firms are having a field day routing resorts.  It does not have to be this way.

Timeshare resorts are distrusted, disliked and consumers would rather pay thousands to rid themselves of the lies and utter delusions than pay any attention the resort.

Is this what you call good business? Is this the best you can do? Is this what you call reputational management?

It’s a Stuffification of the legal world and a false enchantment to believe that the industry are now promoting exits as it’s an unjust exit as it is free to you but serves a higher purpose, and that purpose is to stop consumer compensations claim.

Assume you want genuinely want rid of people selling exits and relinquishments, assume you have a need to rebuild a reputation, its simple, offer exits free and unencumbered.

Some will leave, but many will know  that they can leave whenever they chose to.  It’s called giving people back their freedom of choice.

If the resorts truly believed that the product they sell for many thousands of pounds is a product  of value, they would when exits occur, obtain free of charge valuable inventory.


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk