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We dream to be safe, we dream that we will be healthy and we dream to be content. We dream of a day when failsafe structures are in place. We dream that with all the knowledge we have gained that scams will be irradiated.

We dream of a paradise.

With all the historic knowledge of scams, dodgy dealing and swindles you would think that the governments could take some time out from the pursuit of business and implement the development a ethical trading platforms with honest partners providing a sound services.

You would think with all this technology we have today, that crashed planes could be found or that people who steal money from bank accounts cannot be caught immediately.

If a business can track goods all over the world and “Wall Street” can fulfil millions of deals in a day, someone surly can locate Doris’s money which was stolen from her bank.

You would think that if you respond to a charities plea to give to a worthy cause that your details would not be passed around like a plate of pies so that other can habitually call you and harass you.

In this day of advancement, more legislation, more regulation and more rules- are we not shocked that millions of people have just been duped by car companies, who we all believed where the best car companies in the world. Are we not shocked that after millions of governments tests in Europe not of the testing station knew?

We have been ordered –via legislation-to put away money for our pension as the state pension is collapsing. In that back drop the private pension pots we have to pay into are uncertain and are £115 billion in deficit.

We have chuck away cloths, tools and devices and the British government is heading towards record borrowing of £2 trillion someone might say we have a problem!

Is it beyond the scope of intellect that you would know that if you announced to millions of destitute and war torn people that they can have a home in a European society that they would not take up the offer in their millions and arrive at our shores?

You would not be foolish to believe that if you do not prosecute fraudsters with real punishments SCAMS would equally grow.

Is it not true that no matter how much money you bring home, the bills are always bigger!

Is it not true that no matter how many times you ask for a fixed price or a final total sum, there are always extras to pay.

Is it not true that no matter how many “bogoffs” you acquire and no matter how many discounts they give you the shopping always cost you more.

Is it not true that no matter how many times you are told the other users of the product are being enriched you never are?

Is life is becoming a complete illusion which ends in the “not again sigh”?

Do the people we elect provide security, happiness, and stability?

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk