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Following on from our previous article regarding Solicitors – HERE

Anyone can work in the “Legal Profession”, it’s a fact. You do not have to be qualified to work in a Law firm.

Yes if you want to be a Solicitor or Barrister you do for obvious reasons but anyone under that level i.e. a Paralegal, they only need the adequate training to successfully work under that title.

That does not mean that anyone without a qualification shouldn’t be trusted (far from it actually). But what it does mean is anyone can be a paralegal i.e.

– A person with no previous experience in the Legal industry

– A salesman

– A struck off Solicitor

Making the relevant checks to ensure the firm working for you are legitimate is crucial.

There are many, many timeshare companies out there that claim to be “paralegals” but are nothing more than salesmen who are not registered or legally minded (a wolf in sheep’s clothing). They rely on the Consumers trusting that they are of a higher level of authority which automatically means they are trustworthy.

As per the previous article, over 1000 Solicitors were struck off last year alone. That begs the question, where do they go?

Some will leave the industry completely due to shame (rightly so) but then there are the rogues. The people who feel they have been served an injustice and refuse to abide by the rules.

Some of these people will call themselves “ex Solicitors” but still attempt to provide legal assistance for a fee and some will find a way in which to practice as a “Paralegal”.

Our advice –  If you are approached by anyone in the legal profession whether it be a Paralegal, a Legal Executive or a Solicitor, check the relevant authorities to ensure they are regulated and authorised by the SRA to practice – HERE

If it is a Paralegal then check that they are members of the NALP (National Association of Licensed Paralegals) HERE

The belts and braces approach will always serve you well in these circumstances. 



For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk