01908 881058 info@timeshareconsumerassociation.org.uk Donate


Timesharetalk.co.uk is by far Europe’s largest Timeshare forum on the internet. It is run by timeshare owners, for Timeshare owners

Free to join


The only honey pot of timeshare


All aspects of Timeshare are covered from the good and great through to the downright bad and ugly.


Set up in 2004 an un-fettered meeting place exits to discuss timeshare old and new and with other interested in the Timeshare topic. After 11 years later, millions of pages are viewed TIMESHARE TALK is loaded with information.

We have many moderators including Ex Barristers, Spanish lawyers, solicitors, bankers, housewife’s, retirees hell raisers and heroines.

Avoid the con men, know your rights, and speak your mind

You have a voice

Use it

Jointly with the TCA we bring to each and every consumer the 2015 consumer road shows.


Timeshare is not dead but it is suffering and it needs your views.

So express them


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk