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Did you know?

  • 87% of owners report being satisfied with their timeshare holidays
  • 73% of owners believed timeshare accommodation to be better than other self-catering holidays they had taken
  • 9 out of 10 owners said timeshare offered a better holiday experience than other forms of self-catering holiday

The RDO and TATCO know this!!!!!!

I think the key word is “know” in this sentence.

This means that 13% are dissatisfied with their timeshare holidays

27% say it is worse than other self catering holidays

And 10 % a worse experience than other self catering holidays.

I think the Glasgow Pals have visited with the author of this survey and had a little chat or the base line information has be corbelled by some brown ale cowboy chomping to the tune of the captain clump and the wiz kid mind of the skipper Taylor.

I could have been reading the “Saturn times” of course, or the “Dandy on” Sunday.

A beautiful mind has conjured up this classic and advertised the story on the 7th of January 2014. This was in the back drop of the industry planning so get the consumer in later subjection to land grabs, Aroma Products, RCI (Alleged skimming) McDonalds (groundbreaking exit policy) and the supreme courts deliberations on mass unlawful contracts being slapped in the faces of the industry.

In the words of the Lachlan in the film “Braveheart”. And now being hailed from the crow’s nest on the good ship timeshare

Stop! Men!

Do not flee!

Not now!

Wait until we have negotiated!

We have fractional timeshare to sell you


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk