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A select few owners have been working on an alternative proposal in stark opposition to MacDonalds (MRL) own proposal.

The owners who are proposing the Alternative Way Forward at Villacana are constantly being asked by other owners “ how do your proposals differ from those that MRL are recommending” the short answer is, they don’t have a clue!

MacDonald’s are being very coy about telling members at Villacana exactly what is in their proposals; owners have asked them, the committee, , and what is the respond as reported to us by Villacana Owners?

 A stony silence.

Have they something to hide might be a good question?

So, let us set the benchmark, Robert Says:-

Some owners have drawn up an analysis of what the Alternative Way Forward could be and proposed a new constitution which contains it. Their proposals allegedly meet and surpass the standards laid down by the industry’s own professional body and are likely to meet the requirements of the EU directive if and when it is published. They certainly meet the current legislation existing in Spai

You can find this analysis on the “Concerned Owners” website in the specific section for Villacana:

http://www.macdonaldowners.org.uk/…/Synopsis%20of%20AWF%20C… <http://www.macdonaldowners.org.uk/index_htm_files/Synopsis%20of%20AWF%20Constitution.pdf>

The owners also support the idea of an independently managed Postal Vote and they have even produced what they think you, as owners, should be asked in the ballot. You can find that on the same.

website:http://www.macdonaldowners.org.uk/index…/Postal%20Ballot.pdf <http://www.macdonaldowners.org.uk/index_htm_files/Postal%20Ballot.pdf>

All quite open available and discussable. But we don’t want that do we. Open discussion, conciliation and capitulation. What MRL?

It is entirely possible that when the votes have been counted there will be no clear majority and consequently we fully support the proposal that members who wish to leave immediately should have their intentions honoured immediately. The opposition camp suggest that if there is no clear majority and the existing constitution continues until a negotiated settlement has been reached, any payments made by any member who has indicated that they wish to leave immediately should count towards their eventual exit payment, whether it be two times the maintenance fee proposed by the AWF or the four times maintenance fee that MRL are proposing.

So, the opposition to MRL have nailed our colours to the mast! They know that their proposals of feasible and financially viable.

They know that their proposals are legally sound, they know that their proposals meet and surpass the “best practice” in the industry and they know that their proposals offer a fairer deal for all Villacana members!

The gauntlet is chucked and the sand line has been drawn and they now challenge MacDonald’s to justify why they want to charge members twice the exit fee they want to charge, (unless it is just a money grabbing exercise by a greedy corporation).

They now challenge MacDonald’s to justify why they want to strip the rights of the owners who wish to stay, unless it is a land grab.

They now challenge MacDonald’s to justify why they refuse to guarantee an exit route for members in the future, which they have embedded into their proposed constitution.

They now challenge MacDonald’s to justify why they refuse to allow deceased members an immediate exit unless their relatives specifically want to take on the responsibility, as they have embedded into their proposed constitution.

They now challenge MacDonald’s to better their proposals and offer a fairer deal for all members.

As to the SGM, we say “bring it on” and let’s deal with this matter once and for all, so that those who wish to leave can do so and those that wish to stay can start rebuilding our club.

Are you going to the meeting in Manchester on the 20th?

 Protect your rights, support your club and attend, as it will be important to you and your fellow members.


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk