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Snorkelling Among Hungry Sharks
A Timeshare Presentation Survival Guide


By Sing Li (Part 4)

Changes for a Better Tomorrow

Savvy timeshare developers and marketing organizations are always on the alert for feedback from their customers and potential customers. Finally, after three decades of feedback, many sale systems are adapting in response to the requirements of their clientele. Some of the changes you are likely to encounter in your next timeshare sales visit are:

 Diverse product mix that covers any vacation requirements a customer may have: other than fixed and float interval, many developers are now also offering fractional ownership, foreclosure resale, vacation club, point systems, cruise products, try-before-you-buy programs, etc. This allows the front line sales rep (or sometimes an “exit interviewer”) to match a product to your requirement, however demanding it may be.

 Alternate channels marketing: owners referral programs, Internet sales site, mini-vacations ads, etc.; these alternate channels can eventually ease the dependence on expensive and often unreliable OPC, turning often unused week inventory into new sales opportunities and saving substantial marketing costs along the way.

 Catering to the informed consumer: timeshare users are becoming increasingly sophisticated; many buyers may want to research a vacation property completely before even contacting the sales organization. A call center for information requests and an Internet information site often help with this effort. Allowing customers to buy direct and bypass the sales organization can result in great marketing cost saving, which can be passed along to the customer.

 Brand building and relationship marketing: following the lead of Disney and Marriott, many timeshare developers are attempting to develop or leverage a brand association; proper branding greatly eases the salesperson’s task, since trust and comfort is established prior to the actual meeting. Furthermore, timeshare developers are finally adopting a long-term view to the business, and start pre-sale and post-sale relationship marketing with existing or potential customers. Keeping the customer in the loop, making him or her feel important, is essential to upgrades, repeat business, additional service sale, and word-of-mouth referrals.

With these important changes occurring in this increasingly competitive market, the sharks have all but magically transformed into playful dolphins. The timesharing coral reefs will soon be safe for all snorkelers.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk