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The MRL action group is no 85% full in respect to proposals which have been dispatched to MRL consumers wishing to join the Athena Law proposal.

The Deadline

Many will appreciate that the action group promoted by the TCA is one of many being formed and consists of three categories of consumers who will all have an interest in outcome the lead group obtains.

The present enquiries have been sent out to a variety of consumers who are registered on facebook pages, members of exchanges organisations, enrolled in dispute groups, registered on timeshare selling sites and subscribers forums to other enterprises.

The participants fully expect that the action group will advance as fast as humanly possible in the initial investigation stage. The theme at the moment is that all are in need of urgent advice and representation which can only be achieved once the first trench of consumers has registered.

The speed of the setting up of the action group is in satisfaction of the wishes of the participants and not that of Athena law.

Consumer will no doubt appreciate that MRL timeshare consumers are being habitually contacted by MRL and their debt collectors seeking to claim purported fees. This practise will only stop once those consumers who have registered formally with a solicitor and that solicitor has challenged the purported debt with full particularity. The engagement of MRL will occur by Athena Law once the initial enrolment stage has be concluded and again is in satisfaction (only) of all participants wishes.

In view of the fact that I will not be returning to work until Monday the 3rd of November any and all applications will be considered up to that date.

At no stage during the first phase of the engagement (investigation) will any participant in the group be bound to a sub group (lead, parked or vaulted) the entire liability for each participant will be the fees proposed on page 21 of the proposal only. Once all the documents have been received and a core bundle formulated the entire group will seek under the direction of Athena Law advice from Council in particular respect to the following issues.

Identification of the parties

Committee members

Associated promoters and supporters



Breach of Contract

Tortuous interference


Undue influence by others

Frustration and interference

Remedies available


Exemplary damages

Specific performance


Available jurisdiction and applied remedies sort

Once all the advice has been received at that stage a meeting will be convened for the purpose of fully determining the advice, understanding the advice and the risks as to possibly and consequences of take legal action (if any).

At this stage all participants will be able to rest in the group of their choice, action what they want to action and seek what they so seek.

In the event that a participant wishes to exit and take the advice they have contributed they can do so without any penalty or pressure. Participants ought to take on board that the TCA is entirely a consumer association and as such up hold the ethical principles consumer choice.

The success of any action is wholly determined by commitment, honesty, tenacity, confidence and right and with those qualities I am sure the outcome everyone seeks will be achieved.

No doubt (as with most disputes) evidence will arrive and risk will be addressed by all parties and a resolution may be achieved without the need of a court hearing. In mainstream cases those settlements are locked down with confidentially agreements and as such non participants will not have access to the determination and settlement information.

A vast amount of detail has already been disclosed in this matter and is freely available to all consumers to embark on whatever path they so choose.

I wish every disgruntled MRL consumer every success in resolving their particular anguish

The Athena Law Proposal means to fully address the following concerns:

If a consumer voted no and has refused to accept the exit or the points

If a consumer has voted no and has been silent there after

If a consumer voted yes and after reflection and independent advice refused the points and the exit.

If the consumer voted yes paid the exit and after independent advice changes their mind

If the consumer voted yes and joined the points system and after independent advice changes their mind

If consumers now feels the mindful representations of MRL and others was designed to orchestrate an event which was not fair and reasonable, was perpetrated which a view of MRL’s own enrichment and a purported consumer organisation misrepresented reality.

Then you can join the Athena Law action group by e mailing legal@timeshareconsumerassociation.org.uk



For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk