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Lakeview break cover and add to the time consumer despondency

You at MRL think it’s bad, well the ruse and distressful delights now begins at Lakeview, Cornwall. This time Lakeview want to charge £5,000 exit fee, it is reported.

We are inviting all Lakeview (Cornwall, UK) customers to share information with us past and present.

In asking this, please be aware that I will publish all information if it benefits the timeshare consumers.

The TCA are in discussion with Praetorian Legal who is hoping to group consumers together with a view of pursuing breach of contract claims against the committee, including its Chairperson.

Praetorian Legal has protracted actions and demolished the Lakeview legal position in the past and are very aware of the oodles of troubles the consumers are facing at the hands of this inept committee.

Please consult a letter authored by Mr White. Despite him being involved in another action, it appears that the Lakeview resort is complicit in the same actions of avoiding the legislation. The committee appear to be premastering anti consumer practices which could be a breach of duty and whilst in a position of trust.

The word coming out of consumers is that TATOC have yet to announce this further “ground breaking” ruse. Maybe the reason is that it is self beneficial to it CEO Harry Taylor.

The bastions of The Citizens Advice Bureau are silent and idle on the subject of timeshare at present and the press and MP’S are all refering you back to the people who are applying the immoral changes.

Consumers are advised that we are on your side all the way on this miserable dish. Our resources are somewhat limited and have been drained and re drained over the last few months. That said we will get out the information so that we can remain fully useful.


If there any other resorts which hope to avoid the stalled legislation we would welcome the information so that we can give the consumer real and meaningful choice.



For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk