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Again Cruz Lawyers in Spain come up with a delight of Timeshare information. Unlike most E.U. Lawyers “Cruz” continually assists the timeshare community in releasing good, solid and factual information, for the benefit of all consumers, wherever they may be.

This present release is interesting for a variety of reasons and consumers who have timeshare problems in Spanish resorts ought to give just contemplation and consideration to Cruz Lawyers if and when they need timeshare advice.

The TCA will shortly compile a comprehensive list of Spanish legal firms whom it believes will assist timeshare consumers.

I appreciate that we, the British, tend to believe that we have all the right answers and our law and lawyers are the best, however that is not the case in timeshare. The Spanish lawyers are the holder of the consumer faith, are the bastions of tenacity, grit and determination and are way in advance of the British.

The Spanish timeshare lawyers have (for years) refined timeshare authorities, fought the good fight and for and on behalf of many citizens throughout the E.U.

This effort is a credit to the Spanish legal profession as it emblazons the tenacity of the Spanish in that there are no boundaries.

Spanish lawyers have in recent times worked tirelessly in gaining from the courts good, solid and just results which have benefitted everyone in every nation as there is cross jurisdiction issues involved.

We will compile a list of intercontinental lawyers you will collaborate with each other.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk