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When a business idea develops, the business determines a goal, it’s encouraged to make business plans, cover bases, create cash flow projections and fall back plans, which allow reasonable expectations to fulfil a pre ordained idea. Such was the spoon feeding I received when entering the framework of business world.

I have seen a variety of people cross the door of “I want my own business”

That is the accepted way for “b” category students, however the above lack one ingredient which is described best by my granddad, ‘umph’ (“yon lad got some ’umph’” he would say).

‘Umph’ is a great tool, however left unchecked that ‘umph’ can destroy dreams and lullaby days.

Umph, (when checked) is great and in matters of timeshare we have a lot of ‘umph’ in industry but little is consumers associations.

I suggest that is why the industry is in a dire mess. There is no effective counter to the industry ‘umph’.

Total control is not good for anyone. It is a short lived event where someone makes vast amounts, become greedy and then they fall. Everyone gets hurt, everyone loses and the cleaner’s, estate agents, banker and solicitors get dam rich.

A business needs consumers, consumers need business. If business’ put out a great cricket team and the bowlers fire down over after over of “Harold Larwood” style bouncers, the consumer batters will not play anymore and the games will end. Equally reverse the proposition and the business will leave the cricket field, the resorts will fail and the dream the consumer invested in is as much use as a chocolate tea pot.

Equilibrium is good for both camps and a draw is natural so both parties can bask in their individual wants. ‘Umph’ is controlled.

Today as you look into the heart of this industry it is swilling with injustice.

Some resort managers believe they have a right to a profit and forever. They believe that the consumer has to pay every time the resort duffs up. Well those consumers don’t believe they should pay anymore for fat cats with idle ideas.

If the resort, maintenance or developers companies are being obtuse, the answer is simple; let men with ‘umph’ have a go because you have failed. You have had your day.

The pig headed and proud, hang on to bad plans and unearned power. The younger eyes in this industry, are frozen out.

Some associations, instructors and firms habitually berate new companies expecting fledgling companies to be members of the booths of bad ideas or if they refuse they are subjected to a scourging whilst being ‘slapped’ from pillar to post to stake. That might not sit will in conservative Britain but it is truthful. These dreamers of dreams, movers and shakers and ‘umph’ men meet the timeshare brick wall. That my friend is what is happening, and is tantamount to initiative genocide.

Strong words, a hurting reality, a bad pint, but no less the truth.

I want to educate consumers about two such companies who walked into this valley of a bleating well oiled machine with guns in front and at each side of them; Justice 4 and Praetorian legal.

I have absolute no idea how these companies will operate in the future, we have no ties with them, and the relationship is not contaminated with back door deals or money. But they are different; they offer change and a service that fuelled with ‘umph’. They survived the timeshare introduction and intact. They might crash and burn but if you want change you need to support them and other firms and companies like them.

The re Sales Market.

After September I fully intend to look into the present pacifisms of doldrums, as the present sales agents are not timeshare resellers (in truth) they are timeshare vaults and lists of vaulted timeshare.

In the main, the market has stalled, yet the resorts continue to sell high valued products. Consider this, timeshares is merely a contract between say a resort and a members. If the resort sells them the cost is £10,000.00, if a resale broker sells them they are free (in some cases). If a resort wants to buy the fixed timeshare the price is minus (£2,000.00). Is it me or has all the ‘umph’ been kicked out of the resale market, all the effort is not worth it as it is a trough of crumbs.

We at the TCA want change, legal teams are supporting, paralegal teams are helping yet we lack assistance from the stalled resale brokers. I am sure they do want change and need change. Why not listen to new ideas and contemplate why the resale business market which is locked down. Something has to give, Have you got the ‘umph’ to change? If not, move aside.

Do you want change?

Do you want to discuss change?

Do you want to try?

Advertise the Road Show, join it, promote it, and attend it, offer your views.


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk