01908 881058 info@timeshareconsumerassociation.org.uk Donate

Responce letter to the invitation to ink the resolution to change from fixed to points. Advice check out the quite wording. They are not sure they can do waht they say they can do. So say no!


In respect to your letter dated xxxx

If your letter dated xxxxx is dressed as an offer, then I reject that offer. If it is an inking as to a resolution, again I reject that resolution.

In short I own xxx fixed week (s) timeshare at xxxxxxxxxx, I own them and I paid for them. I acquired them from you, Macdonalds (Barrats formerly). I am happy with what I own and my weeks are not for sale. If your poorly worded letter intimates that you have a right to take from me what I own, I reject that position.

That being my belief and you are making this proposition on behalf of others, I understand that you know the identies the party/parties who proport to intefere with my ownership.

I therefore require you to confirm who those parties are and who is marshalling the matter.

This is a resonable request, particular to the issues, pertinant and proportionate.

That said, if you interfere in my contract I will take the appropiate steps I deem necessary.

You are hearby placed on notice that any further correspondence, inferring otherwise will be met by appropriate response and without further notice.

You are hereby advised to defer to a less contenscious way of dealing with this matter, as if you continue to embark on this path the likely legal costs will be disproportionate. That being a real reality I reserve the right to show this correspondance to a court if and when costs are discussed.


Yours faithfully


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk